Semiology: The Study of Signs:
- Interpretation is based on the subject & their visual language & culture;
- Meaning of signs can change over time, between cultures;
- Media and popular culture can and often do shape visual language.
Guinness Semiotic Study Methodology:
- Guinness recruited semiotics experts to study competing beer ads;
- The study produced a “decoding kit” which analysed beer print and television ads;
- Ads were broken into signs: verbal and sound cues (“psst” sound of a bottle opening, light shining through a golden liquid, condensation on a glass etc.);
- These cues were grouped into core ideas: Refreshment, Beer Appreciation, Feeling of Belonging;
- Final step was to plot competitor’s strategies in chart or table form for a holistic view.
Ceci n’est pas une pipe:

- Image, typographic treatments, medium all impact viewer’s perception;
- Take-away from communication can vary widely from person to person;
- Text and imagery are independent of each other and must be arranged hierarchically;
Death of an Author
- Death of an Author postulates an author’s intentions and background should hold no weight when coming to an interpretation of their writing;
- Mallarme stressed the importance of linguistic analysis (“it is language that speaks, not the author”);
- “A text’s unity lies not on its origin but on its destination.”